Goodwin Task


Andrew Goodwin came up with six different conventions that are shown in music videos to differentiate them from each other. These are:

1. A relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.
2. Thought beats- seeing the sound (relationship between the music and the visuals) For example hearing the drums.
3. Genre related style and iconography present- by looking at it without the music would you know the genre?
4. Multiple close ups of the main artist - the creation of a star image to promote to a recognizable brand image. 
5. Voyeurism often plays a major part, especially in relation to females.
6. Inter textual references to other media texts may be present, especially in humerus videos. Taking things from other videos.  

Performance narrative and concept

Performance Video

Narrative Video

Concept Video

Vanilla On Our Own