This is the lyrics to our song 'I Won't', we have broken down the lyrics into different sections in order for it to be easy for us to see which bit of the song each of us will be singing throughout the video. By doing this it will also help us as individuals to be able to learn our lines which will then mean we will all be at our best for the video.
Red = Pip
Green = Renae
Blue = Sophie
I got my pride, my self-respect
Need nothing more, want nothing less
'Cause all that I got should be enough to make it work
'Cause all that I want is to love and just be loved
I'll never let it go 'cause we can do this on our own
I'll never let it go, we have too much to let it fall
I'll never let it go 'cause we can do this on our own
I'll never let it go, we have too much to let it fall
And I won't let anybody tell me no
I won't take anything for granted
'Cause I know that nothing good comes easy
If it did, I wouldn't be me, let it go and let me do it 'cause
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't
I got my heart, my head up high
I will be strong, I will survive
'Cause all of the hurt will wash away with the rain
And all that we've learned will be enough to shine again
I'll never let it go 'cause we can do this on our own
I'll never let it go, we have too much to let it fall
I'll never let it go 'cause we can do this on our own
I'll never let it go, we have too much to let it fall
And I won't let anybody tell me no
I won't take anything for granted
'Cause I know that nothing good comes easy
If it did, I wouldn't be me, let it go and let me do it 'cause
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't
Hold you head up,(hold you head up) see the daylight
Hold your head up (hold your heard up) 'cause your future's looking bright
Hold your head up, see the daylight
Hold your head up 'cause your future's looking bright (wooooo)
These stones and sticks are what makes me
These stones and sticks are all I need
These stones and sticks are what makes me
These stones and sticks are all I need
And I won't let anybody tell me no
I won't take anything for granted
'Cause I know that nothing good comes easy
If it did, I wouldn't be me, let it go and let me do it 'cause
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't, I won't, I won't…