Song List Research

We have analysed 3 different albums and their song lists, of which we have received ideas from the type of titles of songs on these particular albums. Two of these belong to women individual artists, and another to a group of singers, however all are recognisable in the type of songs as they correspond to the type of album it is.
Ariana's "My Everything" album is straight away noticeable that a lot of her songs were inspired by a time in her life where she maybe had relationship troubles. Typically you would think it to be about a break up that she experienced and she is reminiscing on events that mean a lot to her. Her album name is also the title of a song which she spoke out about to be dedicated to her Grandad who unfortunately passed away.

Dolly Parton's album "Better Day" has an uplifting image with the colours and text used, however the title of the songs relate the genre of country; which is inspiring for our band Vanilla, and it is clear these songs are in someway representing her journey and events within the industry as well as past times she experienced with others that she considers as important. These titles particularly inspired as; being within the country genre but also being influenced by country as well as other times within her life of events, which is the approach we wish to take.

Little mixes album is slightly different as these songs will be a representation of all of the group of girls as individuals and the journeys they have experienced together; this is something which we want to incorporate into our track list as this is something which we like and want to be represented as. 

Our songs on our album represent us as a group as well as individuals and express the journeys and events of which we have experienced together as a band. We really wanted to use a country theme across all of our products as this was our theme and genre, especially the titles of our songs. A lot of songs are empowering and express us as bold unique girls.

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